
Slick is a social media platform that I helped build from the ground up, scaling it to millions of users.

Working on Slick has been one wild ride! 😄

When I first joined, it wasn't even called Slick—it was Coinmint, and we were all about creating a "smallcase for crypto." Big dreams, bigger challenges. But like any good startup, we hit a point where we had to change direction. And boy, did we pivot hard!

From Crypto to Social Media

We decided to switch gears and build a social media app. Inspired by the Gas app in the USA, we rebranded to Slick and dove into creating something new.

The Building Process: Fun and Chaos

As part of the founding engineering team, I was mainly the Flutter Developer, but honestly, I did a bit of everything. We iterated on features, scrapped ideas, and stayed up way too late trying to make things work. It wasn’t all smooth sailing, but that’s what made it fun. We learned a lot, celebrated small wins, and kept moving forward.

Scaling Up

The hard work paid off. Slick grew to over 2 million users with hundreds of thousands actively using it. Scaling the platform was a big challenge, but seeing it take off was awesome.

Getting Into Other Stuff

While Flutter was my main gig, working at Slick let me dip my toes into other cool areas like data analytics and OpenAI. It was a great chance to try new things and learn a lot along the way.

Looking Back

My time at Slick was full of good times, late nights, and a lot of learning. It’s an experience that’s shaped me as a developer and as a person.

Curious about Slick? Check it out at slickapp.co.